MHI Vestas Offshore Wind – Data Quality App in Dynamics 365

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is an organization that stands on the shoulders of giants. We strive to provide innovative, best-in-class solutions to meet the challenges of our industry. Co-developing offshore wind as an economically viable and sustainable energy resource to benefit future generations. The world’s most powerful serially produced wind turbine “Our main issue was with data quality and duplicate values in business-critical tables. The standard merge would take us two months to go trough manually and was unable to detect all duplicates in CRM. We tried with a few different solutions but ended up with Data Quality App as this add-on has proved to be the best possible solution for MHI Vestas Offshore Wind.

Using Data Quality App as a clean-up search and merge engine, we were able to accomplish this within hours and with a significantly higher accuracy than a manual routine.

Data Quality App is very easy to use, and once you make the rules and leave them active, they will prevent creation of new duplicates in your system across default and custom entities.

Whenever we had some questions or needed help support was always there to help us resolve issues.

I highly recommend this tool to other companies as it has proven to be most valuable solution for us to maintain clean data in CRM.‟

Thor Tankred
Senior Specialist, CRM, Mobility and UX Lead Business Engagement and Applications

If you’re intrigued by what you’ve seen today and are facing challenges with Data Quality in your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can download our Data Quality App from, Microsoft AppSource, or Azure Marketplace.
For personalized assistance, contact our support team at

You can read more blogs about Data Quality App here.